A friend of mine, Dr. David Grossman, is currently writing a book about the art of coaching Little League baseball. I’m helping him out with some minor geek work that will smooth things out a bit, while Dave Roberts is supplying his marketing expertise. As well, the eleemosynary efforts of David’s sister, Wendy, his brother, Joel, and his friend, Bill Bercik, have energized the project. The editorial experience has been enthralling — if every now and again exasperating. We are essentially an extremely eclectic editorial ensemble: an energetic educator, a couple of eccentric egotists, a People Magazine writer, and a medical oncologist. In spite of all our enterprising machinations, at once esoteric and earthy, all of us editors endured. Elatedly entering the end game, we expect this educational and enlightening epic to emerge later this year. [Read more…]