The economic recession has led to much talk about scuttling some of the minor, less popular college football bowl games. Thus, it was with great surprise that this Turkey learned of the inception of yet another inconsequential bowl game. This one is George Steinbrenner’s brainchild; as such, it will be called the Pinstripe Bowl and it will be held in the new Yankee Stadium on December 30.

The intensely interesting match-up will pit the #3 finisher in the Big East against the #6 team in the Big 12. I can hardly wait for something like Rutgers vs Kansas. I bet the players and their friends and families will be drop dead grateful for the opportunity to enjoy late December in the Big Apple. Well, at least they can hang around for the New Year’s celebration in Times Square, if they survive the South Bronx.
Steinbrenner spent $1.5 billion on a new Yankee Stadium, so he undoubtedly wants to show it off. I’m just wondering whether he had his gigantic head screwed on before coming up with this one. All but the hardest of the hard-core college football fans will be happier watching re-runs of I Love Lucy by that time of the bowl season. This Turkey is pretty much bowled over with the crap bowls by that time. I’m assuming that the deal with ESPN to televise the game is sweet enough to make George happy, but will it really do his megalomania any good to show the viewers a football field shoe-horned into a sparsely attended Yankee Stadium?
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