Only his hairdresser knows for sure, or so went the old Clairol ad. ????? ???? ??????

Tom Bradley, de facto defensive coordinator at Penn State has been the subject of on-again, off-again rumors tonight regarding being hired for the head coaching position at the University of Pittsburgh.
Earlier this evening, WTAE in Pittsburgh reported that he had been offered the job and accepted it. However, at 8:40 pm, Pitt released the following statement:
“The University of Pittsburgh has not offered its head coaching position to anyone, and no decisions about an offer have been made.”
As usual, the WikiPedia pseudo-wonks are Johnny on the Spot. Bradley’s WikiPedia page says he is Head Coach of the Pittsburgh Panthers. Of course, when I looked at Joe Paterno’s page the night Dave Wannstedt was fired at Pitt, Joe was said to have accepted the coaching job at Pitt. Anyone can change WikiPedia pages.
The latest bit of non-information has come from the tweeting fingers of Nate Stupar, one of the more outspoken Nittany Lions on Twitter. Buried somewhere amidst the trash-talking between former quarterback Daryll Clark and former wide receiver Derek Moye about a mythical one-on-one basketball competition between them was this gem:
“Tom Bradley got Pitt job. Congrats!”
Around the same time, David Jones of the Patriot-News retracted his story about Bradley texting all the Penn State players telling them goodbye.
Mike Fink, a sportswriter in Green Bay, tweeted in response:
“@NastyNate34 Do you know something the rest of us do not? The stories have been retracted regarding Bradley being hired by Pitt.”
Stupar took a lot of tweetheat, and responded:
“@mikefinksports I just heard from @JasonAversano that he got it. Just relaying info.”
Mike Fink is in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and Jason Aversano is a communication major at Penn State. He said, she said? We’re on the merry-go-round of misinformation. Finally, Stupar writes:
“To all followers…I hear what you hear.#don’t-hate haha”
So we’re back to Square One! Only his hairdresser and a few select others know for sure.
Stupar later tweeted the first period score of tonight’s Penguins game about three hours after the fact. ???????? ??? ????????? Turns out that he was watching a replay. So much for our intrepid reporter. ???? ?????
Later during the overnight hours the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette weighed in on the subject with a strong suggestion that Bradley would get the job.
Meanwhile,’s Fight On State says its sources proclaim that there’s not a shred of truth in any of the rumors.
Reports that Penn State defensive coordinator Tom Bradley has been offered and accepted the head coaching position at Pitt are untrue, according a source close to Bradley.
“Those reports are erroneous, false and absolutely deplorable,” said the source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “They are entirely false. This is what happens when people don’t do their homework.”
Sure is interesting watching rumors and innuendo evolve! The process is unfolding before our very eyes in real time as I write this.
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Lizzie says
Does this University football thing go on all year???
The Nittany Turkey says
The “season” is generally fall, with the post-season extending into early winter. Tomorrow night’s SSMNC (Still Somewhat Mythical National Championship) game wraps up the actual football playing for this season. However, recruiting and coaching changes provide entertainment in the off-season.
Lizzie says
It’s a full time job for you then!! You should be on the payroll of the turkeys (oops………..Lions).
I saw an article in the paper up here in “da frozen north” about some NHL team getting a hat trick and the spectator guy in the article would not throw his hat because he wore his “best” one to the game. (Pen State cap with full picture of same).
The Nittany Turkey says
Nobody pays da Turkey! And thus, I maintain my independence from the forces of evil.
I’m torn. Would I toss my best Penn State cap out on the ice for a hat trick? I think that the answer is yes. While I support both the NHL team (in my case, the Pens) as well as the Nittany Lions, da cap can be replaced dere for a few loonies, dere. The hat trick moment cannot. I believe that any ‘ockey fan worth ‘is salt must take hadvantage of the hopportunity to t’row da hat, dere. Den go hout and treat ‘imself to a new ‘at.
Pens lost a ridiculous game to Boston last night. Holding a 2-0 lead into the final three minutes or so, they wound up losing 4-2. This followed a disgusting 4-0 loss to Minnesota on Saturday.
Lizzie says
Where’s the Cole Harbour kid when you need him? Maybe they will start tightening up their friggin’ helmets. Loss to Boston sounds a bit like the Canadian loss to Russia in the Junior Worlds.
Sorry to pollute your Nittany site with hockey ramblings………
The Nittany Turkey says
I don’t consider it pollution, as hockey will shortly be the “it” sport for this Turkey, after the Super Bowl has been played.
Crosby is sitting out with a mild concussion. Byelsma won’t let him skate until he is symptom free. Malkin, Orpik, and Conner have also been out with some kind of virus. I’m hoping that they’re all back for tonight’s big game in Montreal.
How’s dat hip?